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手機: 15866735826

郵箱: 394441862@qq.com



當前位置: 首頁 > 新聞中心 > 行業動態


來源:http://www.bftzny.com/   發布時間:2024-01-29


Waveform steel plate: Waveform steel plate should be hot-dip galvanized to ensure its corrosion resistance. The waveform shape should meet the standards, and the size of the peaks and valleys should meet the regulations. Meanwhile, the surface of the corrugated steel plate should be flat, without obvious bumps or scratches.


Column: The column should be hot-dip galvanized to ensure its corrosion resistance. The diameter and wall thickness of the column should comply with regulations, and the surface should be flat and smooth without obvious bumps or scratches. The installation spacing of columns should meet the design requirements to ensure the stability of the entire guardrail.



Connector: The connector should be hot-dip galvanized to ensure its corrosion resistance. The size and shape of the connectors should meet the standards, and the connecting fasteners should be firm and reliable without any looseness.


Collision resistant end: The collision resistant end should be made of materials that can effectively absorb collision energy to ensure its safety performance. The shape and size of the anti-collision end should meet the design requirements, and the surface should be flat and smooth, without obvious bumps and scratches.


Other requirements: The installation of the guardrail should meet the design requirements, the fasteners of the connectors should be firm and reliable, and the guardrail should be able to withstand certain impacts without damage. At the same time, the appearance quality of the guardrail should be checked during acceptance to ensure that there are no obvious defects or defects.

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